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Go native!

We offer professional language services for Hungarian and international medium-size and large companies.

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We translate texts in 100+ language pairs, using state-of-the-art language technology tools.

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Professional language mediation at conferences, negotiations and business meetings.

Machine translation, post-editing
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Machine translation workflows are now the most optimal solutions for certain text types.

Voice-over, Subtitling
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Our clients can choose from a rich selection of voices of Hungarian and foreign voice actors, as well as experienced voice artists from our voice archive.



  • Róbert Koch, MÁV Előre SC

    „We contacted EDIMART Language Solutions with German course materials written for professional coaches that we wanted to have translated. The texts contained a large amount of terminology specific to volleyball. The course material also included chapters on the physiology of training and strength training. The translated text is easy-to-understand, despite the fact that translating German expressions into Hungarian is not an easy task, since the two languages have completely different syntactic structures. The translation was well done, and the graphics look just like in the original documents. This professional material will be of great help to me in improving the work of the MÁV Előre Volleyball Department.”

  •  Zsolt Panka, Wallis Automotive Europe Kft.
    „We asked EDIMART Language Solutions to localize a software originally created in Spanish and subsequently translated into English. The task was more difficult than usual due to the lack of screenshots and context, and the English source was not perfect and consistent either. Nevertheless, EDIMART has done a very professional job, and it can be said that the end result is better than the original text on which it was based. Since then, the system has been successfully implemented in a new acquisition of the Group’s brands, and users are satisfied with it. Special thanks for the fast pace, the flexibility, and the professionalism of the translation agency.”

  •  Gábor Erős, Vodafone Magyarország Zrt.
    „The reason I like working with EDIMART is that they never miss a deadline, even if it is a last-minute job.
    In fact, they often send the completed translations before the agreed deadline.

  • Tamás Gyarmati and Emese Nagy, Rail Cargo Hungaria
    “In a fast-changing world, speed, accuracy, flexibility and meeting deadlines are crucial for our company.
    The EDIMART team is able to provide all we need. It’s a company with exceptionally helpful staff members.”

  • Éva Andrási, Porsche Hungaria
    “We found EDIMART on a recommendation; we were looking for a professional agency with experience in automotive-related translation, and that could deal with xliff files easily. Our expectations were considerably exceeded; their contact persons are competent and kind, they are quick and accurate, and always available. Their translators are fast and their translations are excellent, they quickly recognized what our needs were, and were able to adapt to our special language requirements.”

  • Péter Nagy, Würth Szereléstechnika Kft
    “Professionalism and focus on the client; these are the best words to describe our relationship. We have been 100% satisfied with the services provided since the beginning of our collaboration.”

  • Anna Fazekas, KONTASET Kft.
    “I love working with EDIMART because our joint projects are characterized by exceptional attention to detail and such a client-friendly attitude that is seldom seen.”


Edit and Márta. Two sisters. One economist and one interpreter. Both of them language freaks. Learning languages is their hobby. In 2004, this shared passion set them off, or rather drove them together. EDIMART started its operations as a home office where translation projects were managed by the two sisters. They strove to be perfect in every field, yet they believe luck was on their side. For starting your own business is never easy.

But they loved what they were doing from the very first moment. Soon they were called “baby tigers”, and it took less than two years to have a real office with two project managers. Than came the time to move to a much larger office – enough for a team of now 7. But home field success is worth nothing if you cannot win on the road – so they dipped their feet in international waters, attracting more and more clients abroad.

They outgrew their space again in 2014, so they gave working in an office building a try, but no sooner had they truly settled in, they were forced to move on. This is when they found a wonderful office in Benczúr utca offering breathtaking views, where their staff of 15 has been working together on 220 m2 since 2017.

More than fifteen years passed since the beginning. Home office grew into a large office, and currently there is a staff of 15 working together to provide clients with the premium services in Edimart packaging that they have become accustomed to.

Edit and Márta cannot lie back and relax, although sometimes they just want to sit on their laurels, in quiet contemplation. There are always new ideas and more room for development, indeed, they were also forced to find solutions for the new challenges brought on by the global pandemic.

But they are not alone, and working with a mature, loyal and loving team they also know that nothing is impossible.


Edit Balázs

Owner, Production Manager

All my life I’ve felt most comfortable when I was in a diverse and multi-lingual environment. I often muse about how so many languages could have developed in the world and think it a miracle when people of different mother tongues can begin to communicate, thanks to a shared language or an intermediary. Not a single day goes by when this fails to come to mind. I could not imagine a better job than this; I love this profession, along with all its challenges.

Márta Balázs

Owner, CEO

It all started with language learning. I realized quite early that foreign languages relax me, they entertain and fascinate me. Moreover they allow me to go native, which I find so thrilling. I love working on plans, coming up with new things, moving things forward. I believe in collaboration, in innovation and, most of all, in the next generation. I am very proud of EDIMART. It’s the best decision my sister and I have ever made. I love my job, it is very inspiring.

Klaudia Hatala

Client Success Manager

I believe that every person we encounter and all the things we experience in our lives influence our personalities. Working as a sales person I am grateful to get know so many different fields and people. Conversations, questions and answers, attention, sense of humour and cooperation – these words define me. The endless curiosity and psychology play a crucial role in my life. I am passionate about foreign languages, different cultures, discovering new countries, music and gastronomy. Long conversations about the world, cultural programs and adventurous trips are warmly welcomed. Flowers, children and a good coffee always make my day.

Orsolya Klinga

Head of Sales

Among several things, my parents taught me two important things to help develop my life: sports and languages. Life took me to Stockholm where I lived for almost 7 years. Languages came automatically but I didn’t find my pursuit in life as a translator.
The world of multiculture influenced me and for work, sales was the closest to my personality. In my opinion successful sales people are inquisitive, result-oriented, make contacts easily, accept failure, they are credible and flexible. When not working, I enjoy my family. We laugh a lot because I believe that love, humor and optimism solve everything. Fortunately EDIMART represents these values, so we have found partners in one another.

Ákos Miskovicz

Head of Project Management

I am a determined runner, an obsessed nature lover and one of the team members of the Budapest pub quiz championship. At Edimart, besides managing projects I coordinate the project management team. When I’m not working, I usually let off steam by travelling, exploring other cultures and countries, hiking, jogging and binge-watching Netflix series.

Eszter Haszonits

Senior Project Manager

Since I always loved reading and learning languages, I always knew I wanted to have a job where I could have an advantage of these. I am thrilled to work in such a dynamic, challenging and exciting environment created by EDIMART. I also love travelling and encountering different cultures. I am deeply fond of animals, except for bugs and spiders which make me run for my life. At the moment instead of having a pet I try to compensate myself by having plants, so in my free time I also like to do some gardening on my balcony.

Szilvia Radnai

Head of Interpreting Services

University of Szeged – work experience while travelling abroad – multinational environment back at home: there you have the brief summary of my past few years.
Meanwhile lots of learning, teaching,obtaining a German translator degree and the recognition that languages mean more to me than a hobby. As regards work: teamwork, hard work, motivated colleagues around me, curiosity, quality, good atmosphere. As regards anything else: friends, movies, books, travelling, rosé, teaching German, cats, spinning „If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle as well as from your own.” (Henry Ford)

Márton Jánosy

Business Solutions Architect

I am a limited edition team member, because my tasks involve not only natural languages, but also computer languages. This is exactly the beauty of my work: having to untangle these two types of code. I studied theoretical linguistics; therefore, I’m interested in all things linguistic, but I find this area particularly intriguing. In civilian life, I’m Mogyi’s owner. If he lets me take some time off, I probably work out, go to a concert or learn something new.

Gergely Gyarmati

Junior Language Engineer

I never considered myself to be truly good at anything, because I was always interested in too many things. I thought this to be more of a disadvantage, however, since I started working at Edimart, not a single day has passed without making use of the fragments of information I have picked up because of my curiosity. I became acquainted with the world of translation while I was studying English at university, however, nobody said I would eventually become a project manager… And I especially didn’t think I’d enjoy being one! I spend most of my free time playing music, doing sports and eating. Not in this particular order, and sometimes all three at once.

Carmen Krafcsik

Financial and Manager Assistant

The first thing people usually notice about me is my outspoken personality, closely followed by my killer toenails. I am not one of those fake people who pretend not to notice their own strengths. Besides managing finances, it is my priority to teach my boomer colleagues the normal vocabulary of people under 25 —after all, it’s no use being a kickass linguist if you can’t understand the Gen-Z.

Nóra Dudás

DTP Specialist

Similarly to many of my colleagues, it was my love of learning foreign languages and cultures that led me to Edimart. In my current job as a DTP specialist, I can do something that really engages and relaxes me. I like to immerse myself in projects, and I’m not afraid to explore solutions to complex editing tasks, because I can always learn something new. I spend most of my free time playing video games, and RPGs are my favourite. I also enjoy going to the cinema, sightseeing, and reading.

Noémi Barkaki-Párducz

Vendor Manager

My path leading to Edimart was long and winding with jobs in public administration and in the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Translation, but now I feel that I’ve finally found my place here. I am happy that, being a part of a great, dynamic team at the forefront of the profession, I can take part in interesting and exciting tasks every day, and thanks to this, I get to meet and work with experienced language industry experts. In my work, I consider it important to represent and assert both freelance and translation agency interests.

When I’m not working, I like to read, taste delicious foods and wines, travel, or perhaps all of these at once. I think a perfect week should have 7 dress-up days …and my colleagues say we have been getting closer and closer to that number since I’ve joined the team.

Fanni Tóth

Project manager

I have always been fascinated by foreign languages, and it became evident to me that I wanted to pursue a career involving languages. As a project manager at EDIMART, I encounter a wide range of languages, which I thoroughly enjoy as part of my job, in addition to have diverse tasks and a great team as well. Outside of work, I’m a proud cat owner and often spend my evenings with them while reading an exciting book. During my spare time, I enjoy traveling and immersing myself in new languages and cultures. I find relaxation in cooking or baking, and playing board games.

Boglárka Szathmáry

Project Manager

The world is a wonderful place for me, brimming with opportunities and thrilling experiences. As a member of the Edimart team, I feel it’s my mission to share this experience through my work. Although I’ve worked as a project manager before, it’s a refreshing realization that the same job can be so much more rewarding when tackled with enthusiasm and joy. Like many translators and interpreters, I enjoy exploring various roles. In my free time, I’m a passionate cook, an amateur flutist, and a lover of language learning. On rainy days, as a way to relax, I can binge-watch series and movies in surprisingly large amounts. I also have a creative side; every now and then, I venture into painting, but if someone inquired, I’d deny it.

Gabriella Furik

Client Success Manager

Similarly to my colleagues, my love for foreign languages led me to the exciting world of translation. I first worked with EDIMART as a freelance translator and I was inspired by the friendly team and their motivating drive, so I didn’t hesitate when I had the opportunity to join them full-time. I am lucky because I love all aspects of my job: my open, communicative self enjoys talking with clients, but I could easily spend hours putting together a detailed report as well. In my free time, I do yoga, read, play the ukulele and dance salsa (I am obsessed with Spanish culture). I am always up for a friendly chat (preferably over coffee), or a trip with good company – there is no shortage of that at Edimart. 🙂



Teddy is our only furry and irreplaceable team member responsible for stress relief and a good atmosphere in the office. It is also his duty to welcome our guests with a waggling tail.



I’m always busy. My tasks involve access control, supervising dining colleagues, and regular exercise with the project managers.



In 2024 you can meet Edimart at the following conferences:


LocWorld Conference
5-7 June 2024

13-14 June 2024

Taus Massively Multilingual AI Conference
18-20 June 2024

Meet Central Europe Conference
Prague, Czechia
14-16 October 2024

TCWorld (TEKOM) Conference
5-7 November 2024


– Video Remote Interpreting –



address: 1068 Budapest, Rippl-Rónai utca 21. IV/2.
mobile: +36 20 975 9092


Carmen Krafcsik
Financial and Manager Assistant
tel.: +36 20 513 2627


Orsolya Klinga
Head of Sales
tel.: +36 70 423 2868

Klaudia Hatala
Client Success Manager
tel.: +36 70 385 6678

Gabriella Furik
Client Success Manager
tel.: +36 70 342 7279


Noémi Barnaki-Párducz
Vendor Manager
tel.: +36 70 311 5953


tel.: +36 20 975 9092

tel.: +36 20 975 9092